
Please print out this form, tick the appropriate boxes [ ], enclose payment, and send by surface mail to Paul Treffner at the address below.

5th Biennial Motor Control and Human Skill Research Workshop

LATE REGISTRATION - after Nov. 15th
Professional A$370 [ ]
Student A$220 [ ]

5th Biennial Motor Control and Human Skill Research Workshop
ABC3 Conference

LATE REGISTRATION - after Nov. 15th
Professional A$440 [ ]
Student A$290 [ ]

All figures are in Australian dollars AUD$.
Registration fees include admission to all conference activities, coffee breaks, full lunch each day, a Welcome Party on Thursday night (including drinks), entertainment, and the Conference Banquet(s).

Cancellation policy: Full refund of registration fee (less $A50 handling fee) for cancellation prior to Jan 10th, 2000.

Accommodation at Watermark Hotel:

Without Breakfast A$105/night (single or double occupancy) [ ]
With Breakfast - Single occupancy A$110/night [ ]
With Breakfast - Double occupancy A$125/night [ ]

Please specify exactly which nights and dates you want reserved.
You can reserve extra nights before and after the conference for
the same special rates:

Dates wanted:__________________________________________

Total number of nights wanted: _______

Amount enclosed for Watermark accommodation: A$ ___________

Personal Details:

First Name: _____________________________________________

Last Name: _____________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________


City: __________________________________________________

State: _________________________________________________

Country: _______________________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________________________

Fax: __________________________________________________

A) Payment by check [ ]
Enclosed is a cheque for the total amount (registration + accommodation) of:


payable to:
School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science.
Please sign the back of your check.

B) Payment by card [ ]

Please charge $AUD___________ to my credit card:

Visa [ ]
MasterCard [ ]
Bankcard Card [ ]

Card Number: _________________________________

Expiry date: __________________________________

Cardholder's name: ____________________________

Cardholder's signature: __________________________


Please send your total registration (and Watermark) payment to:

Dr. Paul Treffner,
5th Biennial Workshop,
School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science,
Griffith University,
PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre,
QLD 9726,