On Thursday evening 6- 8pm, there will be a Wellcome
Party (complimentary drinks and snacks) at the Pool and
Veranda Bar, Watermark Hotel. |
Given the remarkable environment of the Gold Coast region, there
will be opportunity for attendees to visit local attractions (e.g.,
surf beaches, rainforest treks, Movie World, Sea World, Wet'n'Wild,
etc) and thus practice their motor skills.
Polyrhythm Performance/Workshop
We are also very excited about some entertainment
envisaged for Sunday afternoon: a polyrhythmic extravaganza
and workshop with the amazing Jaider De Oliviera, a Brazilian
musician and one-man percussion and samba orchestra! Jaider
uses electronic recording techniques to create, on stage,
multiple rhythms using about 20 different instruments (percussion,
guitars, birimbau, etc.). A subsequent participatory workshop
is also not to be missed and will provide attendees with hands-on
experience in bimanual movements, motor skill, and potentially
unintentional coordination disorders!